Behind the Scenes

According to a recent report published by the United Nations (UN)– India has more mobile phones than toilets. This means that Indians can attend calls on their mobile phone more easily than attending nature’s call. Funny but true. The growth of the India Mobile Phone market and Telecom market is a big success story as far as numbers go. India is the 2nd largest mobile market

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The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) on April 22`2010 released a report titled “India’s Urban Awakening- Building Cities, Sustaining Economic Growth,” that contains some very disturbing predictions for the future of Indian cities.The report says that in the next 20 years, the number of Indians living in cities across India will grow twice the present population, about 600 million,

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With just around a month to go for the re-launch of the East India Company - the world's first multinational whose forces once ruled much of the globe - its new Indian owner says he is overwhelmed by "a huge feeling of redemption".It's been a long, emotional and personal journey for Sanjiv Mehta, a Mumbai-born entrepreneur who completed the process of buying the East India

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